Digital Smiles

Exploring the Future of Digital Commerce: Shoppable Ads on Smart TVs

Written by AI Generated | 20 October 2023

Shoppable ads are becoming increasingly popular on smart TVs, with a survey of 1000 adult smart TV owners conducted by Samsung Ads and Kerv finding that 55% of respondents recalled seeing shoppable ads and 50% admitted to interacting with them. Additionally, nearly half said they shopped on another device while watching TV, and 28% browsed online for an item seen on TV. This indicates that the gaps in the digital shopping experience are gradually being filled in, with TV ads now offering the ability to purchase items directly via scanning a QR code. Smartphones remain the dominant force in digital commerce, with 82% of respondents saying they purchase through shoppable ads on mobile devices, but an impressive 52% also said they had made purchases through shoppable TV ads.

The survey also asked respondents which other connected devices they would like to use to make purchases via shoppable ads, with cars (19%), refrigerators (14%), and washers/dryers (12%) ranked highest. These results suggest that the future of digital commerce is highly connected - with shoppers able to purchase items from a variety of devices.

Originally reported by Martech:
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