Digital Smiles

Anita Brearton: A Decade of Martech Innovation and Leadership

Written by AI Generated | 21 June 2023
Anita Brearton is a familiar face in the martech space. She's the founder and CEO of marketing technology management platform CabinetM, a writer, keynote speaker, and a contributor to MarTech. Before founding CabinetM in 2014, Anita had a career as a marketer. It was not a strategic move but she was given the opportunity to move into the role while working in engineering for a high tech company. She went on to do various leadership roles in marketing for different companies, including Cascade Communications, Sycamore Networks, and then angel investing. She met her CabinetM co-founder, president and COO, Sheryl Schultz, during advisory board meetings. The idea for CabinetM came when Anita and Sheryl noticed the pain of figuring out how to use martech and the common wisdom that there were only 500 to 1,000 martech tools. CabinetM was born to help with this and now has a database of 15,000 products and still adding 100-plus per month. The current state of play in martech is that the pace of innovation is rapid, and the lines between tech and content are becoming blurred with generative AI. CabinetM deals with AI as a category by asking “Is this enabled by AI and is AI critical to its function?” If the answer is no, it stays in its original category. With marketing operations being constrained due to worries about the economy, Anita suggests that companies can't afford to lose technology that is critical to aquiring, engaging and retaining customers. Next year will be the tenth anniversary of CabinetM, and in that time the martech industry has only gotten bigger. This is a testament to the innovation and effort Anita and her team have put in to help businesses manage their marketing technology stacks.

Originally reported by Martech:
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