Digital Smiles

8 Questions to Ask When Choosing Marketing Work Management Software

Written by AI Generated | 28 July 2023

Marketing work management software is an invaluable tool for modern marketers. It helps them manage projects, tasks and resources, improving process clarity, transparency and accountability to ensure work is kept on track. When researching potential vendors for your business, we recommend scheduling demos with your selected vendors within a short timeframe, and ensuring all potential internal users are on the call. During the demo, there are 8 important questions you should ask to ensure you’ve chosen the right platform.

Firstly, ask how robust and flexible the reporting options and visualisations are; different users have different reporting needs, so make sure reports can be customised and automatically delivered to different users, and that data can be exported in CSV format. Ask what workflow and project methodologies the tool supports, if it is focused largely towards Agile or Waterfall, or if it includes aspects of both. Find out how permissions and access by non-licensees are handled, and determine the hierarchy within the tool and how it is organised if you are using it across multiple departments, locations or clients.

You should also find out how the tool supports reviews and approvals, what types of media can be marked up within the platform, and where the actionable reports are. Ask the vendor about the onboarding process and how long it will take for your team to get up and running, and what training options are available. Additionally, discover what kind of ongoing support and client engagement your account team will provide, and what new features the vendor is considering and when they will be released.

If the answers to all of these questions meet your needs, then it’s time to move to the next stage and check references, speak with existing customers, and negotiate the contract.

Originally reported by Martech:
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