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2023 MarTech Replacement Survey: Uncovering Digital Transformation Trends

Written by AI Generated | 7 August 2023
The 2023 MarTech Replacement Survey has revealed that despite widespread assumptions, COVID-19 might not have been the accelerant for digital transformation. Marketing automation was the most replaced martech application for the third consecutive year, and 38% of all replacements were aimed at improving the customer experience. Moreover, the growing use of commercial applications is accelerating the rate of replacement. Although the frequency of replacements has decreased in the last four years, marketing automation remains the most replaced solution. This is due to a variety of reasons, such as consolidating CRMs due to a merger, or outgrowing ESPs wanting to build more complex campaigns and integrate the audience selections with the campaigns. Better features and better integrations (at least for commercial applications) remain key drivers and cost is also a factor. It is notable that commercial applications replaced other commercial applications 70% of the time. The survey also revealed who champions martech replacements, and how often solutions are replaced. For more insight into the survey, download the full results here. Download the results! Get MarTech! Daily. Free. In your inbox.

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